Thursday, June 5, 2014

#138 ====HELLO PRECIOUS====

Good day Everyone!, Today I want to share to you this amazing gowns, dresses and gifts from Precious Designs. What I like about this store is that she gives array of designs fits to women needs and love the texture and price are affordable and also every items has color changing huds, it is practical to buy items with color changing hud because its like buying fat pack and gives you less stuff in your inventory :). Also when you go at the store please check the discount wall, the owner also sell beautiful dress for only 60L$. so what are you waiting for go ang TP yourself at Precious Designs :)....  I hope you like it guys!

SKIN: * Morphine : Nadine Tan Skintone (Natural) ~NEW~
HAIR:  little bones. Barbarella - GIFT
 GOWN:  *PD* My Essence Gown ~SL F&O~

LINGERIE: *PD* Hot & Sweet  ~SL F&O~
SHOES: REIGN.- LC HEELS- GROUP GIFT. (check group notices) ~fee to join

 #1: *PD* Elegant Gown W/Texture Hud ~regular price~

#2: *PD* Cheryl Gown W/Texture Hud ~regular price~
#3: *PD* Smexy One Dress W/Texture Hud~regular price~
SHOES: REIGN.- LC HEELS- GROUP GIFT. (check group notices) ~fee to join


If you have some comments and suggestions please don't hesitate to post your comments, your inputs are appreciated. happy weekends!

visit  JS PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO, are now accepting clients, for more info. please send notecards to iamsybil resident or jaden hollow and don't forget to 
check and like my Facebook Page, GLAM and Free by Sybil  
thank you.


Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.~Earl Nightingale


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