Thursday, May 15, 2014

#123 ====ROWENA====

Hey guys good day to all, For the past months I have been blogging freebies and stuff, you might notice that I like to feature stores that has a lot of freebies and specially new stores, I like new designs and new designers. New designers has lots of fresh ideas and I like there enthusiasm :), I admire new designers who are not afraid to venture even the competition is hard and I think everyone deserve to be notice. And there is a new store you need to check, the store called ROWENA SPINGFLOWER, Miss Astrid SLF&O, ask me if I like to blog for the said store and she gave me the details and show me the store and SLF&O has a reputation and I believe in their endeavors and they wont recommend a store if its not good :), so who am I to turn them down and I said YES, but of course I also check the items at the stores and I don't want to disappoint also my readers and followers and I thought their items are nice and I like their designs.  They sell mesh items at reasonable price and of course they also have free stuff which we all like right *grin. I think this is also my first and official blog for Rowena Spingflower and the owner is so nice and I like to thank her, Ms. Rowena and also Ms. Astrid for believing in me and more power to them.  And here is what I did, I grab some of there free items and match them with this group gifts from Morphine Body Shop, Littlebones and SLF&O Gifts. So what are you waiting for grab this gifts :)...

SKIN: * Morphine : Manila Peach Skin Feb2014Gift 
(purchased any amount at the store and an automatic group invite will pop on your screen to be able to join)
NECKLACE&EARRINGS: * Morphine : Ghail's Accessory - Chic Pink May2014Gift 
HAIR: little bones. Apple - GIFT

DRESS: {RS} Gwen Gown Bagged ~SL F&O Gift~
SHOES: {RS} Corey Heels Group Gift

DRESS: {RS} Brianna Corset & Skirt Group Gift

DRESS: {RS} Sonora Tango Dress Group Gift

LINGERIE: {RS} Laverna Bra & Panties Bagged ~SL F&O Gift~  (Limited time only)


If you have some comments and suggestions please don't hesitate to post your comments, your inputs are appreciated. MORE POWER!

visit  JS PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO, are now accepting clients, for more info. please send notecards to iamsybil resident or jaden hollow and don't forget to 
check and like my Facebook Page, GLAM and Free by Sybil  
thank you.


Power is like being a lady... if you have to tell people you are, you aren't.~Margaret Thatcher


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